
How long does it take to charge an EV?

There's no one answer when it comes to EV charge times. There are a few variables such the size of your car battery and the type of charger.

16 May 2024

At a glance

Charging an EV can take between 20 minutes and 8 hours, depending on the type of charger and car, plus other variables.

New and prospective drivers often want to know how long it will take them to charge their EVs. There’s no one answer: it depends on the type of the size of your car’s battery, the type of charging station, and how low your battery is when you start the charge. On average though, a full charge takes between six and 10 hours.

These are the factors that can help you determine how long it will take to charge your car.

Types of charging

There are different power output levels. The higher the level, the faster the charge.

Level 1 charging (AC)

Where: Usually found at homes and can be connected to the home circuit Type: Slowest, typically around 2.3 kWh Average time to fully charge from empty: 11 to 20 hours

Level 2 charging (AC)

Where: Homes and larger residential and commercial properties Speed: Moderate, usually offering about 11kW or 22kW of range per hour Average time to fully charge from empty: 3-8 hours

Level 3 charging (DC)

Where: Public charge stations Speed: Fastest, capable of adding 50-300 kW of range. Average time to full charge from empty: Approximately 8-20 minutes for an 80% charge (this short charge time to reach 80% can only be reached with maximum-capacity chargers)

Battery size

A larger battery will take longer to charge.


Batteries operate best within a certain temperature range, usually between 20°C to 25°C. If you leave your car in the cold overnight or in the sun in summer, and your battery gets cooler or warmer, it might take a bit longer to charge.

Time of day

If you charge your car during peak hours, it could take longer as more energy is drawn from the grid.

Battery level

If your EV is above 80% or below 20%, the charge speed will be less.

Good charge habits to preserve battery life

  • Plan ahead: Use level 2 charging for everyday charges and reserve DC fast charging for long trips or emergencies.
  • Smart charging: Charge during off-peak hours to benefit from lower electricity rates and reduced grid demand.
  • Regular maintenance: Keep your EV's battery system in check to ensure optimal charging performance.